What's the big idea?

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What's the big idea? por Mind Map: What's the big idea?

1. Who?

1.1. Main character?

1.2. Anther interesting character?

1.2.1. Relationship to main character?

1.3. Other supporting individuals?

2. Guidelines

2.1. Anything goes!

2.2. No criticism or flaming allowed

2.3. The Wilder The Better

2.4. Quantity is Quality

2.5. Set a Time Limit

3. When?

3.1. The story happen?

3.2. Did the main character transform or develop?

3.3. Was the climax?

4. where?

4.1. Where?

4.2. Was the main character first encountered?

4.3. Main setting for events?

5. What?

5.1. Was the main purpose of the story?

5.2. Happened?

5.3. Made the story interesting?