What is Family?

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What is Family? por Mind Map: What is Family?

1. can families be broken?

1.1. why doesn't everyone live with their families?

2. Does family have culture?

2.1. traditions

2.2. gatherings

2.3. celebrations

2.3.1. birthdays

2.4. what is your ancestry

2.4.1. Eurpoean

2.4.2. Africain

2.4.3. Asian

2.4.4. First Nations

2.4.5. Indian

3. Why are families different?

4. Does a family need a home?

4.1. condominium

4.2. what kind of place do you live in?

4.2.1. apartment building

4.2.2. house

4.2.3. duplex

4.2.4. triplex

4.2.5. temporary housing

4.3. what makes a house a home?

4.3.1. what does a home look like? draw/design/create it blueprints picture

4.3.2. people? who do you live with?

4.3.3. things?

4.3.4. community/neighborhood?

4.4. does every family have a home?

4.4.1. if not why not?

4.4.2. what would it be like to not have a home?

4.4.3. build it varied materials tool use visit a construction site have a contractor visit habitat for humanity

5. What does a family do?

5.1. vacation

5.2. trips

6. How do families change?

7. What makes a family?

7.1. distance/proximity

7.1.1. where does my family live?

7.2. genetics/birth

7.2.1. do I have a birth story?

7.2.2. adoption?

7.3. communication

7.3.1. teamwork do families have a leader? what does teamwork look like?

7.4. children

7.4.1. parents?

7.5. love

7.5.1. feelings is it okay not to like your family?

7.5.2. what is love?

8. Are pets family?

8.1. What makes a pet a pet?

8.2. animals

8.2.1. do animals have families? where do animal families live? observe animals look for animal homes do animals love their families?

9. Does distance change families?

9.1. where is my family from?

9.2. where do people in my family live?

10. Can friends be family?

11. Where do I fit in my family?

11.1. parents

11.2. siblings

11.3. extended family

11.4. adoption