Moving and Handling

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Moving and Handling por Mind Map: Moving and Handling

1. Environment

1.1. funiture

1.2. space

1.3. hazard

1.3.1. cords

1.3.2. tubes and attachment

1.3.3. water

1.4. people

2. commands

2.1. ready stady move

2.2. ready steady stand

3. assessing patents

3.1. risk of falls

3.1.1. clinical notes

3.1.2. traffic light chart

3.1.3. HASI charts

3.2. vital signs

3.2.1. Decrease in blood pressure

3.2.2. increase in resp

3.3. low hemolglobin

3.4. patient injures

3.5. patient pain level

3.6. LITE

3.6.1. load (Patient cognition medical condition Injures

3.6.2. individual (nurses) capabilities

3.6.3. Task

3.6.4. enviroment

4. Equipment

4.1. hosit

4.2. lifting belts

4.3. sliding sheets

4.4. staff

5. Correct Method

5.1. correct height

5.2. wide base

5.3. keep low

5.4. keep patient close

6. risk that can course harm

6.1. weight

6.2. awkward postion

6.3. static

6.4. bening

7. patient limitation

7.1. stairs

7.2. Mobility

7.3. physical disability

7.4. cognition

8. Time

8.1. enough time

8.2. work load

8.3. fatigue

9. safety for everyone

9.1. staff

9.1.1. non lifting policies

9.1.2. prevent harm back injuries

9.2. patient

9.2.1. prevent harm

9.2.2. cogition