What Should the Website Be About?

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What Should the Website Be About? por Mind Map: What Should the Website Be About?

1. Middle School

1.1. school

1.2. Life as a 7th grader

2. music

2.1. music,culture?

3. holidays? vacation?

4. battleground is better than fortnite

5. Cultures

5.1. special features of different cultures

6. My little pony

7. The affect of Earphones on people.

8. ICSA community

9. The music we listen to today or something like that

10. Food

10.1. Food

10.2. McDonald is very toxic

11. Are video games good for chidren's life

11.1. Is gaming bad for you or Not

11.1.1. I agree with is gaming bad for you

11.1.2. Fortnite vs Overwatch , which is the best????

11.1.3. Fortnite?

12. Puberty

13. do phone is good for children or teeneger