Explain how and why human understanding of the Universe changed?

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Explain how and why human understanding of the Universe changed? por Mind Map: Explain how and why human understanding of the Universe changed?

1. Conclusion

1.1. Restate thesis statement

1.2. Sum up the three points

1.3. the significance of the points in changing the understanding of the universe.

2. Third paragraph

2.1. Cosmos figures found cosmological discoveries that increased the complexity of humanity by using new instruments changed human's understanding of the universe

2.2. Origin Story allows people to question the beginning of the universe

2.3. Big Bang Theory vs Steady State Theory

2.3.1. Georges Lemaitre vs Edwin Hubble and Albert Einstein

2.4. New Instrument: cosmic microwave background radiation.

2.4.1. Found accurate cosmological discoveries which favoured the Big Bang Theory

3. Second paragraph

3.1. Historical Astronomers who challenged the common beliefs of their time made astronomical discoveries from collective learning about phenomenons contributed to changing the human's understanding of the universe.

3.2. Copernicus challenged the geocentric view of the universe set by powerful organisations.

3.2.1. Through astronomical discoveries he found errors in the heliocentric view and published his book 'On the Revolutions of the Celestial Spheres' which contributed to changing the understanding of the universe. Example of a discovery: Mathematical errors in the epicycles that didn't allow accurate predictions of the movement of the planets.

3.3. Galileo also challenged the view and accepted Copernicus's view of the heliocentric view by collective learning.

3.3.1. With the heliocentric view in mind and like many others, he believed the moons were fixated in the universe. But with his astronomical discoveries that allowed him to publish his book 'The Starry Messenger', the human's understanding of the universe has changed. Example of discovery: The four moons of Jupiter

4. Introduction

4.1. Thesis Statement: Human's understanding of the universe is changed through humanity's increasing complexity from collective learning about phenomenons throughout history.

4.2. It is changed through many years of observation of the phenomenons.

4.3. Historical Astronomers made astronomical discoveries of the universe which changed the understanding of the universe.

4.4. Scientific figures who made scientific discoveries of the universe.

5. First paragraph

5.1. Human's understanding of the universe is changed through many years of observation of phenomenons which increases their complexity.

5.2. Origin Stories

5.2.1. Humans started with no/little complexity and created origin stories from observation to explain how the universe works. Example of origin story: Pan Gu breaking the egg of Yin and Yang

5.3. Found patterns in phenomenon

5.3.1. They changed the understanding through many years of observation and found patterns in phenomenons. Example of Phenomenon