questions on settings

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questions on settings por Mind Map: questions on settings

1. 1. where is the fiery realm of Muspell located?

2. 2. what is the fiery realm of muspell?

3. 3. how was earth formed?

4. 4.what is midgard?

5. 5.what is asgard

6. 6.what was yggdrasil later known as?

7. 7.what was on the north of ginnugagap

8. 8.what was at the fiery realm of muspell?

9. 9.why could nothing grow at the fiery realm of muspell?

10. 10.why could nothing grow at the dark and cold realm of niflheim?

11. did odin create the sun and moon?

12. 12.where did the yggdrasil grow?

13. 13. who created the new world?

14. 14.where did the gods ascend to?

15. 15.where did Ymir's giant sisters gather?

16. 16.where did the cow emerge from

17. 17.How was the sky formed?

18. 18.Why did the ice begin to melt?

19. 19.what was ginnugagap?

20. 20. where was the dark and cold realm located?