Comienza Ya. Es Gratis
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MUSIC por Mind Map: MUSIC

1. Take sth up = comenzar una actividad (tocar instrumento)


2.1. Chords = Acordes

2.2. Bow = arco (violin,viola,...)

2.3. Strings= cuerdas

2.4. Catchy tune = melodia pegadiza

2.5. sing song = cantarin /a

2.6. harp= arpa

2.7. Xylophone = xilófono

2.8. Background music = música de ambiente

2.9. Massive hit = record de ventas

2.10. Track = canción, pieza de musica


3.1. unplugged = musica no electrónica

3.2. unaccompained = sin acompañamiento

3.3. Off key = desafinado

3.4. Tone deaf =que no tiene oido

3.5. Sharp = sonido/voz aguda

3.6. discordant = disonante

3.7. Melodic = melódico


4.1. Put sth on = poner. Put my favourite song on

4.2. Skip back or go back = volver hacia atrás/retroceder. I will skip back and listen to it againg

4.3. Skip/ jump ahead = pasar a la siguiente/ saltar. Can I skip ahead to the next one

4.4. Turn sth down = bajar el volumen.

4.5. turn sth up = subir el volumen

4.6. Pum up = subir el volumen

4.7. Turn/ swith off = apagar

4.8. tune up = afinar. The orchestra needs to tune up before the performance

4.9. to hum = tararear

4.10. To rehearse = ensayar


5.1. To play things by ear = tocar de oido

5.2. to share and dawnload tracks = compartir y bajar canciones

5.3. That is too much of noise than misic = mas ruido que música

5.4. It makes my ears hurt = me duelen los oidos

5.5. Music heals or calms me down =la música me cura o me calma

5.6. Music is rejuvenating = la música es rejuvenecedora