Eco-friendly shopping bags

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Eco-friendly shopping bags por Mind Map: Eco-friendly shopping bags

1. Quality

1.1. Prepare feedback for design

1.1.1. Controlling the size

1.1.2. Controlling the comfort

1.1.3. Controlling the lifecycles

1.1.4. Controlling the durability

2. Production

2.1. Making contact with suppliers for raw materials

2.1.1. Mailing

2.1.2. Analyze and choose

2.2. Meeting for machines

2.2.1. Mailing to finance department

3. Marketing and Sales

3.1. Social Media

3.1.1. Creating accounts Facebook Instagram Twitter

3.2. Advertisement

3.2.1. Social media ads

3.2.2. Bilboards

3.2.3. TV sponsors

3.3. Companies

3.3.1. Making contact with e-commerce companies

3.3.2. Making contact with big markets

4. Purchasing

4.1. Evaluation of materials

4.2. Preparing report for finance depatment

4.3. Buying

5. Market Research

5.1. Collecting data

5.1.1. Making contact with research companies Mailing Survey Simulation Feedback

5.1.2. Making contact with companies Mailing Meeting

5.2. Forecasting

5.2.1. Meeting

5.2.2. Deciding

5.2.3. Planning

6. Design

6.1. Make a sample

6.2. Drawing

6.3. 3D drawing with Blender

6.4. Getting feedback from quality

6.5. Deciding the last updated design

7. Corporate Communication

7.1. PR studies

7.1.1. Making contact with foundations

7.2. Searching for sponsors

7.2.1. Mailing

7.3. Launching

7.3.1. Meeting with people

7.3.2. Orginazing the place

7.3.3. Preparing report for finance department

8. Logistics

8.1. Storing

8.2. Sending to big markets

8.3. Prepare report for finance department