Does High School Start Too Early?

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Does High School Start Too Early? por Mind Map: Does High School Start Too Early?

1. Healthy Child Development

1.1. Brain development is very important in adolescence because children are learning about reasoning and problem solving, which are skills they need in school

1.2. Getting more than 8 hours of sleep each night is part of healthy development for children

1.3. Chronic sleep deprivation can lead to other health problems, such as depression

2. Education

2.1. The ability to learn for these adolescents is at stake because they have to juggle retaining information that they learn, outside activities, and getting enough sleep so that they can be successful

2.2. Intervention: More people are likely to go to school every single day when it starts later and they are more likely to get the bus on time if school starts later, which directly affects attendance levels and achievement in school and even after graduation

3. Mental Health

3.1. Children who get sufficient amounts of sleep have overall better mental health

3.2. Children can think and perform better

3.3. Children can focus their attention clearly

4. Physical Health

4.1. Children who get good sleep have overall better physical health

4.2. The less sleep they get, the weaker their immune system is so they are more likely to get sick

4.3. Children who get enough sleep can do more physical activity with more strength and endurance

5. Physical Environment

5.1. Children being in an environment where they are being fed new information when their brains are not fully awake is not helping them retain the information

6. Public Policy

6.1. Most schools across the United States are required to start around 7:30 a.m. or even earlier

6.2. These early-start policies directly effect how much sleep children get

7. Biological Clocks

7.1. During adolescence, there is a delay in their biological clock because of a shift in melatonin

7.2. Adolescents' brains do not release melatonin until late at night so when they have to wake up early, they are never fully awake and they never get to fully sleep an adequate amount