Would Fewer Children Die of Disease If They Just Washed Their Hands?

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Would Fewer Children Die of Disease If They Just Washed Their Hands? por Mind Map: Would Fewer Children Die of Disease If They Just Washed Their Hands?

1. Public Health

1.1. Intervention: washing hands with soap

1.2. Promote at school (especially), at home, at businesses, etc...

1.3. Biggest impact: selling and promoting soap because it has been shown to reduce mortality in areas where it is promoted

1.4. Soap is cheap, readily available, and easy to transport

1.5. Role of public health industry

2. Preventable Disease

2.1. We have the power to prevent it

3. Bacteria/Infection

3.1. Washing your hands with soap often can make a huge difference

3.2. Respiratory infections

3.3. Flu

3.4. Trachoma

3.5. Cholera & Ebola

4. Access

4.1. People in rural areas may not have reliable water supply so they forget to make it a routine to wash their hands

4.2. People who do not have access to clean water, for example, Flint, Michigan, will have trouble remembering to wash their hands if they don't even trust the water

5. Social Norms

5.1. It needs to be a habit for people and become normal for people to wash their hands before you eat and after you use the toilet, etc...

5.2. As people have routines for other things they do everyday, this should become another routine for them to follow

5.3. If everyone gets into a habit of washing their hands, then no one will get each other sick either

6. Physical Environments

7. Health Services/Social Services

8. Personal Health

8.1. Just by washing their hands more often, children are protecting themselves

8.2. Primary-level prevention, they are taking the steps to stay healthy before anything happens

9. Top Main Killers

9.1. Diarrhea

9.2. Pneumonia

10. Solutions?

10.1. New vaccine

10.2. Massive health initiative

10.3. Grants from foundations

11. Culture

11.1. People in India use soap specifically for bathing, laundry, and washing dishes so it is not out all the time to use when he just wants to wash his hands

11.2. Therefore, children can pick up disease even in their own homes because soap is too "precious" to use everyday

12. Working Conditions

13. Healthy Development

14. Social Environments

15. Policies

15.1. Schools

15.2. Institutions

15.3. Communities

16. Initiatives

16.1. Community-based

16.2. School-based

16.3. Public Health Industry

16.4. Role of soap industries