Social Anxiety Disorder. (SAD)

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Social Anxiety Disorder. (SAD) por Mind Map: Social Anxiety Disorder. (SAD)

1. Those with (SAD)

1.1. people judging them due to fashion/behavior (unacceptable)

1.1.1. (being ridiculous?)

1.2. stronger than usual desire to make social impression

1.3. thinks others are closely observing them

1.4. not good enough socially like others + fail to come up wit an acceptable standard of social behavior

2. Definition

2.1. experience intense anxiety in some/all daily social interactions.

2.2. persistent fear one or more social or performance situations where one is exposed to unfamiliar people or scrutiny by others/ such as exposure to situations provokes intense anxiety.

2.3. to qualify as having SAD you need to have suffered persistent fear, anxiety, or avoidance for at least 6 months + considerably impaired social, occupational or general functioning.

3. those with SAD

3.1. Its understood as intense fear of embarrassment.

3.2. Unpleasant symptoms; muscle pain, increased heart rate, dizziness, dry mouth, nausea, breathless

3.3. Visable signs of anxiety; blushing, perspirating, shaking + stammering.

4. Risk others with SAD; isolating theselves (avoiding social interaction. This can hinder professional progression, family an friend relationships , lead to depression and in sever cases alcoholism