Past Continuous

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Past Continuous por Mind Map: Past Continuous

1. When we use it

1.1. Actions in progress in the past.

1.2. For events in progres in the past

1.3. describe an unfinished action.

2. Grammar Structure

2.1. Possitive

2.1.1. Pronoun+ was/were+ verb+ ing+ complement.

2.2. Negative

2.2.1. Pronoun+wasn't/weren't+verb+ing+ complement.

2.3. Interrogative

2.3.1. Was/Were+pronoun+verb+ing+ complement?

3. Examples

3.1. Possitive

3.1.1. I was reading a magazine.

3.2. Negative

3.2.1. I wasn't reading a magazine

3.3. Interrogative

3.3.1. Was I reading a magazine?