Choosing technology to fit the task...

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Choosing technology to fit the task... por Mind Map: Choosing technology to fit the task...

1. Present my work

1.1. Prezi

1.2. Google Presentations

1.3. Student Toolkit: ePortfolio

2. Brainstorm

2.1. Bubblus

2.2. Mindmeister

3. Do an interview

3.1. audio

3.2. Student Toolkit: video

4. Study facts/concepts

4.1. Flashcards

4.1.1. Quizlet

4.1.2. Flashcard Machine

4.1.3. Flashcard Exchange

4.2. Mindmaps and Concept Maps

5. Keep track of my online research sources

5.1. RefWorks

5.2. Cite-U-Like

6. Meet with people who are in different locations

6.1. Skype

6.2. Wimba Classroom

7. Collaborating on a writing project

7.1. UBCWiki

7.1.1. Student Toolkit: Wikis

7.2. Google Docs

7.3. Wiggio

8. Communicate and get feedback on ideas/Share research

8.1. UBCWiki

8.2. UBCBlogs

8.3. cIRcle repository

8.4. Twitter

9. Creating a photo journal

9.1. Flickr

9.2. Photobucket

10. Document a field study

10.1. UBCWiki

10.2. UBCBlogs

11. Share bookmarks/links

11.1. Diigo

11.2. Delicious

11.3. Twitter