Polio Graphic Novel Planner

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Polio Graphic Novel Planner por Mind Map: Polio Graphic Novel Planner

1. Scene #1

1.1. Setting

1.1.1. Miami, 1955 Right before the vaccine comes out On a school bus looking out the window

1.2. Character

1.2.1. Ann Prospero Conflicted about how bad Polio is in the world

1.3. Conflict

1.3.1. Polio is a threat and Ann is trying to figure out how bad it actually is She is looking out the window at things that changed because of Polio

1.4. Plot

1.4.1. Panel 1: She is looking out the window

1.4.2. Panel 2: Ann is a child and she looks out the window at a bunch of kids playing in the pool

1.4.3. Panel 3: Ann older and she looks out the window at a pool that is closed

1.4.4. Panel 4: Ann as a child and she looks out the window at two friends walking on the street

1.4.5. Panel 5: Ann older and she she looks out the window at the same girl walking by herself and a crowd of people are running away from her (the other friend is in the crowd)

1.4.6. Panel 6: Fly gets on bus, Ann and others get off because they are afraid of the fly giving them polio (transition to scene two)

2. Scene #4

2.1. Setting

2.1.1. Miami, 1955 A hospital Ann is getting the vaccine

2.2. Character

2.2.1. Ann

2.3. Conflict

2.4. Plot

2.4.1. Ann leaves school a couple of days later and takes the bus to the hospital. On the way, everything looks dreary. She gets the vaccine, and on the way back to her house everything, looks better.

3. Scene #3

3.1. Setting

3.1.1. Miami, 1955 A couple hours later Walking out of school together

3.2. Character

3.2.1. Ann

3.2.2. Linda

3.3. Conflict

3.4. Plot

3.4.1. They walk out of school and they see a bunch of people crowding around a sign. They go up to it and see that the sign says that there is a cure for polio. Ann is really happy for Linda and they are overjoyed.

4. Scene #2

4.1. Setting

4.1.1. Miami, 1955 Off the bus at school Ann and Linda see each other and start talking

4.2. Character

4.2.1. Ann Happy be with Linda Talking and chatting with her A little afraid of what people would think and what they would do if people found out that Linda has Polio Conscientious

4.2.2. Linda Scared Polio Kids might find out Happy to be with Ann Glad that Ann is not afraid of her and Polio

4.2.3. Random kids Staying away from Linda because she has polio and they're looking at her weird

4.3. Conflict

4.3.1. Polio

4.3.2. The lives of people with polio

4.4. Plot

4.4.1. Panel 1: Ann is off the bus and sees Linda at the front of the school

4.4.2. Panel 2: (goes over to Linda and starts talking with her)

4.4.3. Panel 3: (they start walking into the school and it is obvious that Linda has a limp, grabbing things to keep her balance)

4.4.4. Panel 4: People pass them because she's going slowly down the halls.

4.4.5. Panel 5: Close-up of Linda's face of her being discouraged because people are looking at her weird and people are passing her.

4.4.6. Panel 6: They walk into a classroom.

4.4.7. Panel 7: They sit down next to some people and some of them move because of Linda.

4.4.8. Panel 8: Close-up of both of their faces being sad.

4.4.9. Panel 9: Teacher starts talking.

4.4.10. Panel 10: [45 minutes later] they leave the class and the teacher says “remember to be careful of polio”

5. Scene #5

5.1. Setting

5.1.1. Ann's house

5.2. Plot

5.2.1. Ann feels better about how Polio is no longer a large threat but then she realizes the other bad things in the world (atomic bomb, women's rights, etc.). This scene is mostly in the present or in the past but a long time after Polio.