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Clothes por Mind Map: Clothes

1. Sportswear

1.1. trainers

1.2. tracksuit

2. Top of body

2.1. coat

2.2. T-shirt

2.3. sweater

2.4. shirt

3. Typical for women

3.1. dress

3.2. skirt

3.3. top

4. Bottom of the body

4.1. socks

4.2. underpants

4.3. bra

4.4. panty hose

5. Shoes

5.1. boots

5.2. trainers

6. Typical for men

6.1. suit

6.2. shoes

6.3. tie

6.4. bowtie

7. Accessories

7.1. watch

7.2. hat

7.3. belt

7.4. sunglasses

7.5. ring