New BB Portal

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New BB Portal por Mind Map: New BB Portal

1. Booty Foods

1.1. Tone & Slim

1.1.1. Grocery list - TBA

1.1.2. Recipe Books Smoothies Deserts Salads Snacks Entrees

1.2. Enhance & Grow

1.2.1. Recipe Books Smoothies Deserts Salads Snacks Entrees

1.2.2. Grocery list - TBA

2. Challenges - TBA

2.1. Mermaid Level 3 Booty Band Challenge - 7 Days

2.1.1. 7 Day workouts

2.1.2. 7 Day PDF Guide

2.2. Mermaid Level 4 Booty Band Challenge - 14 Days

2.2.1. 14 Day workouts

2.2.2. 14 Day PDF Guide

3. Change Your Mind

3.1. Affirmations

3.1.1. Self-Love

3.1.2. Booty

3.1.3. Workouts

3.1.4. Nutrition

3.1.5. Life

3.2. Visualizations

3.3. Motivations

3.3.1. add

3.3.2. Vision Board Creation

3.4. Self Guided Meditation - TBA

4. Change Your Body

4.1. Tone & Slim / (coming soon)

4.1.1. Small Waist Diet Plan

4.2. Enhance & Grow / (current 10 days program)

4.2.1. 10 Enhance & Grow Booty Workouts

4.2.2. Small Waist Diet Plan

4.2.3. 10 Tone & Slim Booty Workouts

4.3. EVOLVE - Full Body & Mind / (current Evolve Program)

4.3.1. 25 Day Program

5. Change Your Life - TBA

5.1. Day in The Life of Danita

5.1.1. Day in the life of Danita Traveling

5.1.2. Day in the life of Danita Entrepreneur

5.1.3. Day in the life of Danita Getting ready to go out

5.1.4. Day in the life of Danita Eating out

5.1.5. Day in the life of Danita Meal prep and What she eats

5.2. Confidence

5.2.1. Confidence Videos 1-5

5.2.2. TBA - Boss Babe Tips Make Money tips Start a Business Tips Saving Money Tips Start a Community Tips

5.3. Beauty Tips

5.3.1. Hair

5.3.2. Make-up

5.3.3. Dress