Sports in Britain

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Sports in Britain por Mind Map: Sports in Britain

1. Table Tennis

1.1. Created in the last 19th century in England

1.2. Was born as a Victorian parlour game

1.3. The first official World Championships were held in London in 1926

1.3.1. It became an Olympic sport in 1988.

2. Golf

2.1. The modern game is have born in Scotland in the 15th century

2.2. Inspired ancient games

2.2.1. The Roman Empire

2.2.2. Ancient China

3. Cricket

3.1. Between the 13th and 15th centuries in England

3.2. The name is derived from the Old French, Dutch or English words for "stick".

4. Football

4.1. Created in the 18th and 19th centuries in England

4.2. From the rules established at English public schools

4.2.1. Before then, football was more of an anarchic "mob game" Ban between 1324 and 1667.

5. Tennis

5.1. Invented in the 1860s in England

5.2. Was invented on a croquet lawn

5.3. Is very popular in England

6. Bolws

6.1. Invented in the 11th century in England

6.2. Bowls is one of Britain's oldest sports

7. Squash

7.1. Created in the 19th century in England

7.2. Have been invented at Harrow School

7.2.1. Based on "rackets", which was developed by prisoners

8. Quiz

9. Word cloud

10. Rugby

10.1. Invented in the 1823 in England

10.2. Created by William Webb Ellis

10.3. Who was running with the ball

11. Snooker

11.1. Invented in the 19th century

11.2. Developed by British soldiers

11.2.1. Stationed in India

11.2.2. Developed from the game of billiards

12. Netball

12.1. Created in 1890 in England

12.2. Created by Martina Bergman-Österberg

12.2.1. Physical education instructor

12.2.2. In Hampstead college,

12.3. Derived of the American sport basketball

13. Darts

13.1. Invented in the 13th century

13.2. Developed by British soldiers

13.2.1. They used to throw arrows on tree trunks

13.2.2. They threw arrows at the bottom of the barrels of beer

13.3. The game is the favourite British pastime

14. Curling

14.1. Invented in the 16th century in Scotland

14.2. If the game seems to come from Flanders, it is in Scotland that it turns into a sport

14.3. The first club was created in Edinburgh in 1795

15. Baseball

15.1. Created in the 16th century in Britain

15.2. The English "Rounders" Game Appears as One of Baseball's Ancestors

15.2.1. In 1744

15.2.2. The first reference to the rounders is made in an English book by John Newbery

16. Badminton

16.1. Created in the 18th century

16.2. Has roots of the game "battledore and shuttlecock"

16.2.1. This game is about 2000 years old

16.2.2. It has been popular in India, China

16.3. A game played by British soldiers

16.3.1. In India

16.3.2. the soldiers took badminton back to Englands

17. Rounders

17.1. Invented since 16th century

17.2. A close relation of cricket and baseball

17.3. To have been played in England and Ireland for hundreds of years.