Saving the wild

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Saving the wild por Mind Map: Saving the wild

1. Vocabulary

2. Lesson A

2.1. Brainstorming

2.2. Reading A" Sea Turtles Feel the Heat

2.3. preparing to read

2.4. Understanding the reading

3. Tnink and discuss and Exploring

3.1. Lesson C

3.1.1. Questions

3.1.2. Reading B"Real or Fake

3.1.3. photos

4. Lesson C

4.1. Task

4.2. question

4.3. Grammar Skills

5. Lesson B

5.1. Lesson C

5.1.1. more vocabulary

5.1.2. Reading B"In the frame

5.1.3. Learning to Read

5.1.4. Brainstoming