Educational Technology 109/261

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Educational Technology 109/261 por Mind Map: Educational Technology 109/261

1. Technology in the Classroom

1.1. Proper incorporation of the chosen technology or activity

1.1.1. technology use should be worked into the lesson plan to assist in the understanding and learning of the topic

1.2. Using multiple platforms

1.2.1. exposes students to various mediums of technology

1.3. Being well-versed and literate in the technology you are using

1.4. Teach students how to properly use technology

1.4.1. preparing students for a life and society structured around technology

2. Technological literacy

2.1. Teaching students the proper way to use technology

2.1.1. The Do's and Don'ts: the harms of abusing technology

2.2. True definition of technology

2.2.1. What devices are digital technology (computers) and what devices are basic technology (pencils)

2.3. Multitasking between different activities (social media, homework, television, etc.)

2.3.1. How performance and conscious attention on tasks at hand can be affected

2.4. Effects of technology on performance and ways of thinking

2.5. Uses of technology

2.6. Continuous upgrades/inventions of new technology

2.6.1. continuous learning of said technology