Relationships in the Early Years

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Relationships in the Early Years por Mind Map: Relationships in the Early Years

1. communicating

1.1. encouraging communication with peers, teachers, families

2. listening

2.1. listening to children, modeling behavior, extending children

3. creating a curriculum that is challenging for students

3.1. significant prior knowledge

3.2. child centered approach

4. co-constructors

4.1. learn along side children

4.2. collaborative curriculum planning

5. how teacher views of the child

5.1. effects provocation

5.2. citizens with views and idea

5.3. learning engaging and relevant

6. observing children as unique learners

6.1. enabling indivualised curriculum

7. sharing

7.1. sharing knowledge

8. supporting

8.1. working with students to support learning needs

9. planning

9.1. collaborative planning, working as a team

10. guiding

10.1. helping children make discoveries

11. observing

11.1. early childhood philosophy observing children in play and creating spaces for children to extend

12. modelling

12.1. modelling global citizen behavior - displaying open mind, creativity, willingness, respect

13. appreciation

13.1. understanding of different ways to display findings