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Jesus' Life por Mind Map: Jesus' Life

1. Ascension

1.1. After 40 days, Jesus ascended into the sky (Matthew 28; Luke 24; Acts 1) with the promise tha he would return again.

1.2. Jesus goes back to heaven (Luke 24:50-52)

2. Promised Return

2.1. Many New testament teachings note the promised return of jesus as an essential teaching.

2.2. No one knows the time or plac thet Jesus will return (1 Thessalonians 4:13-18).

2.3. Why will Jesus return?

2.4. This promise was to encourage believers to live holy lives, share thier faith with others, and look forward to the eternity in the Lord's presence.

3. Baptism

3.1. Jesus' relative John the Baptist, baptised Jesus, at the age 30

3.2. This marked the beginning of his public ministry, and included the voice of god speaking from the sky.

3.3. (Matthew 2, Mark 1, Luke 3)

3.4. What does baptism mean to a christian?

4. Teachings

4.1. New testament records people's amazement at the teachings of Jesus

4.2. Large portions of the Gospels include the Sermon on the mount (Matthew 5-7) and many of the parables, which were stories with a spiritual purpose.

4.3. The parable of th wise and foolish man (Matthew 7:24-29)

4.4. What is a Parable?

4.5. Jesus explains the story about the seed (Mark 4:13-20)

4.6. Sermon on the mount

5. Death

5.1. The death of Jesus was made clear due to both the impact of his sufferings, his pierced side (John 19:34) Pilates comfirmation (Mark 15:44-45)

5.2. Why did Jesus die?

5.3. How did Jesus die?

5.4. How long did Jesus remain in the tomb?

6. Birth

6.1. In the city of Bethlehem.

6.1.1. Was visited by sheperds whow arrived following the appearance of angels who told them of the king born

6.1.2. His birth came to fulfil prophecies of the on who would come from the seed of Abraham, the tribe of judah, and the family line of david.

6.1.3. The mother and father of Jesus (Joseph and Mary)

6.1.4. Where was He born? Answer Bethlehem

6.1.5. (Matthew 1:18-25)

6.1.6. (Luke 1:26-38)

7. Resurection

7.1. The new testament records on multiple ocassions that the tomb was empty

7.2. The tomb was empty on the third day

7.3. Many eyewitnesses claimed to have seen Jesus alive again

7.4. (1 Corinthians 15)

7.5. What does the word resurection mean

7.6. What does this mean for christians?

8. Miracles

8.1. At least 35 miracles by Jesus are recorded in the new testament

8.2. He healed the sick, the blind, and lepers.

8.3. On 3 occasions, he raised individuals from the dead

8.4. He also showed power over nature, including stopping a storm and walking on water.

9. Sufferings

9.1. Jesus suffered at the hands of his enemies.

9.2. Isaiah 53

9.3. He was arrested, beaten and nailed to the cross after the jewish leaders handed him over, for death sentence at the approval of the Roman leader Pilate.