Struggles of the First Nations and Métis people from 1890 - 1914

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Struggles of the First Nations and Métis people from 1890 - 1914 por Mind Map: Struggles of the First Nations and Métis people from 1890 - 1914

1. Acceptance

1.1. First Nations people were not accepted in the communities and the British would not accept their religion and beliefs

1.2. Jobs were harder to find for the First Nations people due to the differences between the 2 groups

2. Changes today

2.1. In present day Canada everyone is accepted and there isn't any discrimination. People of all ethnicities are allowed and accepted and able to practice their own religion and speak their own language. Also healthcare and education system is much better now.

3. Residential schools

3.1. Math

3.2. Language

3.2.1. First Nations children had their lessons taught to them in English and French even though they didn't understand the language.

3.3. Science

3.4. Religion

3.4.1. They were also taught to abandon their religion and could not practice their religion in school.

3.5. Health

3.5.1. The Health conditions were really bad in the Residential schools due to the overpopulation of students and diseases being spread.

4. Money

4.1. First Nations families lived in very small houses due to lack of money