The Scopes Monkey Trial

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The Scopes Monkey Trial por Mind Map: The Scopes Monkey Trial

1. Evolution come onto the scene

2. The battle begins between Science and Evangelicals, you must pick a side, you are either for them or against us.

3. The teaching of evolution has been banned in many states. Christians are winning the culture war.

4. Clarence Darrow was the defending lawyer, one of the best in his day.

5. Scopes was indicted for teaching evolution.

6. We have to learn how to bring the two sides together.

7. They dressed a monkey in a three piece suit with a golf bag over it's shoulder. Let the big show begin as the beginning of evolution begins to be examined.

8. The Clash between Science and Christianity in the 1920's

9. Scope was asked to read from Darwin's book about evolution. He was not teaching, but reading, and was arrested immediately by the police chief. All the major networks were called to view the show that was about to go down.

10. The prosecutor was Williams Jennings Bryan, a Democratic Presidential nominee.

11. As Christians, we use science to study God's world.