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Buddhism por Mind Map: Buddhism

1. Buddha

1.1. Middle Way

1.2. Parvana

1.3. Enlightenment (Nirvana)

1.4. Four Sights

1.4.1. Old Man

1.4.2. Sick Man

1.4.3. Corspe

1.4.4. Asectic

2. Festivals

2.1. Buddha's Birthday

2.2. New Years

2.3. The Robe Offering

3. Schools

3.1. Thervada School

3.2. Mahayana School

3.3. Varjrayana School

4. Symbols

4.1. Mudras

4.2. Wheel of Dharma

4.3. Buddhapadas

4.4. Mandalas

4.5. Stupas

4.6. Buddha

5. Rituals

5.1. Meditiation

5.2. Puja

5.3. Good Karma

5.4. Chanting Mantras

6. Basic Beliefs

6.1. The Four Noble Truths

6.1.1. The Truth of Suffering to live is to suffer

6.1.2. THe Truth of the Origin of Suffering cause of suffering is negative desire

6.1.3. The Truth of the Extinction of Suffering detachment from all desire

6.1.4. The Truth of the Path Leading to the Extinction of Suffering follow the Eightfold Path

6.2. The Three Refugees

6.2.1. The Buddha

6.2.2. The Dharma

6.2.3. The Sangha

6.3. Three Characteristics of Existence

6.3.1. Anicca (Impermancence)

6.3.2. Dukkha (Dissatisfaction)

6.3.3. Anatta ( No-self)

6.4. Basic Rules of Moral Conduct

6.4.1. Stealing

6.4.2. Killing

6.4.3. Lying

6.4.4. Improper Sexual Conduct

6.4.5. Intoxicants

6.5. The Eightfold Path

7. Sacred Writings

7.1. Sutras

7.2. Tripitaka

7.2.1. Basket of Discipline

7.2.2. Basket of Discourses

7.2.3. Basket of Further Teachings

8. Other important factors of Buddhism

8.1. Falun Gong

8.2. Dalai Lama