'Fox' The Book vs Factual Foxes

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'Fox' The Book vs Factual Foxes por Mind Map: 'Fox' The Book vs Factual Foxes

1. Fox

1.1. Flickers through the trees

1.1.1. looking for someone to share his loneliness with

1.2. Smells of rage, envy and loneliness

1.2.1. in the cave magpie can smell his rage and envy and loneliness

1.3. Hungry to feed the loneliness within

1.3.1. Brings magpie to a lonely place so she to will be alone

1.4. Wants to share his loneliness

1.4.1. brings magpie to a place far far away from dog to make her feel the same way as him

1.5. Selfish

1.6. Raised by fire

2. Factual Fox

2.1. Travel alone

2.2. Eats anything

2.2.1. Hunts for injured animals

2.3. Nocturnal

2.3.1. Can see in the dark

2.4. Red Foxes found in Australia

3. About the book

3.1. Based in Australia

3.2. Fox is a red fox

3.3. Written by Margaret Wild and Ron Brooks