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Pain por Mind Map: Pain

1. pain + noun

1.1. pain control

1.2. pain relief

1.3. pain killer

1.4. pain threshold

1.4.1. a threshold for/of pain i have a very low threshold for pain

2. Pain phrases

2.1. aches and pains

3. Adjectives+pain

3.1. constant pain

3.2. sharp, acute pain

3.3. intense

3.4. severe, terrible, awful, extreme, great

3.5. unbearable

3.6. little, slight

4. Verbs + pain

4.1. to experience pain

4.1.1. to feel; to suffer (from); to be in; to be racked with; to have; to go through

4.2. to cause pain

4.2.1. to cause; to inflict; to give sb; to increase pain

4.3. to ease pain

4.3.1. to alleviate; to do smth for; to kill; to stop; to relieve; to soothe