Michael Bleem’s Mind Map WEB 2.0

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1. LITTLE BIRD TALES. This site allows the user to record and narrate a digital story. This is a free site to use. https://littlebirdtales.com/

2. STORYBIRD. This site motivates users to read and write using digital storytelling. The site also inspires young minds to use their critical thinking skills when they storytelling. https://storybird.com/

3. Tools for test and quiz making

3.1. 19 PENCILS. Helps teachers share web-based educational content with students. Teachers can create tests, quizzes and other related curriculum. http://www.classroom20.com/forum/topics/19-pencils

3.2. DROPBOX. This site lets you share and collaborate documents. It also lets you use different devices. https://www.dropbox.com/

3.3. EDUCAPLAY. This site lets you create multimedia activities and quizzes that are educational in nature. This app also lets the user experience the most complete gamification tool. https:/www.educaplay.com/

4. Tools for writing

4.1. Boom Writer. Write websites to engage students to read, write and assess the content.

5. Tools for reading

5.1. MIXBOOK. This site lets you tell a digital story in a safe environment. Educators receive a discount on any printed books. https://www.mixbook.com/

5.2. MYTHS & LEGENDS. A digital storytelling site that has characters, themes, and objects for the user to interact with while listening to the story. https://www.mythpodcast.com/

5.3. STORYJUMPER. This digital storytelling site lets users incorporate their own art. They can publish online or share with others and order a print copy. https://www.storyjumper.com/

6. Tools for video, music, and web site creating.

6.1. ANIMOTO. Create slideshows that have video, music, images, and and more. https://animoto.com/

6.2. DIIGO. This site lets teachers create free student accounts. This site also has annotation, highlighters, sticky notes, archiving, bookmarking & more. https://www.diigo.com/

6.3. TRIPTICO. This site lets teachers share, create, and edit lessons that are interactive. The site has a free or paid subscription. https://www.tripticoplus.com/