La Romería: From 1635

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La Romería: From 1635 por Mind Map: La Romería: From 1635

1. The story begins on August 2, 1635

2. When the native woman named Juana Pereira finds on a rock the figure of a woman with a child in her arms, and decides to pick her up and take her home, but for 4 days the figure appears again and again in the same place.

3. Some Catholics give the Virgin Mary the title of co-redemptrix for her role in helping redeem mankind. They believe she helps advocate for them and deliver their prayers to God. That’s why Costa Rican Catholics display gratitude, respect and devotion to the Virgen de los Ángeles with a pilgrimage to the Basilica of Our Lady of the Angels in Cartago.

4. The original stone where the figure, also known as “La Negrita,” was found is also in the museum.

5. It was then that they realized that this figure was the figure of the Virgin Mary who was staying there, in an area called La Puebla de los Pardos, or as it is known today, Los Angeles de Cartago

6. That's where they built the church and since then the legend has remained

7. In 1926 the image was canonically crowned Our Lady of the Angels.

8. The pilgrimage is known as the “Romería.”

9. The spring that Juana walked by barefoot 383 years ago is now a basin for holy water where pilgrims fill up water bottles shaped like the Virgin Mary.