health happens

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health happens por Mind Map: health happens

1. About Me

1.1. all about myself and why I chose this topic

1.1.1. screencastify

2. Home

2.1. description of whats going to be in the website

2.1.1. digital logo

3. References

3.1. websites I use during this project

3.1.1. links to the websites

4. Contact

4.1. my contact information (how to get ahold on me)

4.1.1. social media aspect

5. Blog

5.1. a place where people on my site can communicate with one another

5.1.1. social media aspect

6. DIY

6.1. a place to put hands-on/ do it yourself activities

6.1.1. video or animation

7. News

7.1. a place to find current news and events about health

7.1.1. infographic