The road back from Acl and meniscus surgery

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The road back from Acl and meniscus surgery por Mind Map: The road back from Acl and meniscus surgery

1. Strategic planning

1.1. I will be showing others how to get there leg back to where it was before. I will be using many physical therapy and many techniques.

1.1.1. I will do this by step by step excursuses that are made for post knee surgery. I will go by weekly and keep having the excursuses get harder until you are good to go and all clear. I am about 3 months post up since i have had my second Acl and meniscus surgery, so i also plan to work with people with there rehab as i do mine.

2. Reference page

2.1. I will be the source of post of the references. I will also have all my excursuses that i have done with my past two ACL surgeries.

2.1.1. All the information i will be showing others is the excursuses i have been doing. I have torn my Acl and meniscus twice so i know how to properly rehab it. Through all the rehab i have done i know a lot of the excursuses so i will have all those right on hand.

3. Resource pages

3.1. I will have a page of all the resources you will need. I will leave my physical therapist that helped me along with equipment you may need. All my excursuses and tips i will be sharing are all from the experience.

3.1.1. Because i have gone through this now twice, i have a lot of resources available. I have all my doctors names, physical therapists, equipment, and more. I will have resources on how to run again when you don't think you can.

4. About me

4.1. Helping people get back on their feet from Acl and meniscus surgery. I will begin to start rehab two weeks after surgery and get you strong.

4.1.1. In my website i will be showing excursuses you can do while recovery from surgery. I will also be showing how to get back to your self before surgery with tips and activities. I will push my customers hard to make them strong again. It may get hard and you will want to quite and sy you don't want to play sports, but i can promise you that not rebating you knee properly can affect you a lot more than not just playing sports.

5. Contact

5.1. To contact me you can either call or email. New people who contact me, i will be sending you guys all sorts of information.

5.1.1. I will be sending videos and inspirational quotes everyday to have everyone have a happy recovery. My cell is 2039275512 and email is [email protected]