Global Account commercial launch in EU

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Global Account commercial launch in EU por Mind Map: Global Account commercial launch in EU

1. Transfers

1.1. ✔ Internal transfers (p2p)

1.2. Card-to-card transfers

2. Crypto

3. Support

4. Customer sign-up and due diligence

4.1. ✔ Create customer account

4.2. ✔ Personal details form

4.3. AML limits system

4.4. KYC flow

4.5. Legal

4.5.1. User agreement

4.5.2. Privacy policy

4.5.3. GDPR applications

4.6. Top-up by card (acquiring)

4.6.1. ✔ Top-up by Mastercard cards

4.6.2. Top-up by Visa cards

4.6.3. 3DS on card acquiring

5. Cards

5.1. Virtual

5.1.1. ✔ Issuing and management

5.2. Plastic

5.2.1. Issuing and management

5.2.2. Delivery logistics

5.3. Card purchases

5.3.1. ✔ Card auth

5.3.2. ✔ 3DS on card authorisation

5.3.3. ✔ Holds

5.3.4. Reversals — preparing requirements

6. Accounting, settlement and FX

6.1. Clearing — WIP

6.2. ✔ Service providers system

6.3. ✔ Setup of NKO FX rates

6.4. ✔ Accounting reports for PLC

6.5. Settlement report for PLC — waiting for requirements

7. Security

7.1. Cloud security measures — Pavel Antipov

7.2. Antifraud — have the requirements, the task is queued