Emelyn V. Dec. 08, 1976.

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Comienza Ya. Es Gratis
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Emelyn V. Dec. 08, 1976. por Mind Map: Emelyn V.                         Dec. 08, 1976.

1. -

2. .

3. Skills

3.1. Research Works

3.2. Crafts

3.3. Cooking

3.4. Giving Advices

4. Action

4.1. -

4.2. Made new friends

4.3. Graduating soon

4.4. Health Wise

5. -

6. -

7. -

8. Strengths

8.1. Listening

8.2. Writing

8.3. Helpful

8.4. Kind

8.5. Supportive

9. -

10. Interest

10.1. Hiking trails

10.2. Take photos

10.3. -

10.4. Play sports

10.5. Strolling in the parks

10.6. Concerts

11. Lifestyle

11.1. Food trip

11.2. Coffee with friends

11.3. Relaxing time

12. Adamson University

12.1. -

12.2. BS Psychology

12.3. -

12.4. -

13. Dreams

13.1. Vacation

13.2. Spend time with kids

13.2.1. New Topic

13.3. When & Where

13.3.1. Philippines

13.3.2. Away from the City

14. Family

14.1. Safe place to live

14.2. Daughters

14.2.1. Kids future

14.2.2. Stable Financially Emotionally Physically Mentally

14.3. Good food

14.4. -

14.5. -

14.6. -

14.7. -

14.8. Good health

14.9. -

14.10. Money

14.10.1. Children’s Education

14.10.2. Everyday Living

14.10.3. Parent’s health maintenance

14.10.4. Brother’s and sister’s medication

15. Job Resources

15.1. Possibilities

15.1.1. 1st Sitting

15.1.2. 2nd Sitting

15.1.3. 3rd Sitting

15.2. Community

15.3. Volunteer

15.3.1. Essay exam

15.3.2. Oral exam

15.3.3. Multiple choice

15.4. Practicum

15.5. Recommendation or networking connection (from friends to friends)

16. Goals

16.1. Certificate on CSW

16.1.1. -

16.2. Developmental Disabilities

16.3. Upgrade for another certificate

16.4. Job

16.4.1. -

16.4.2. -

16.5. Volunteer

16.6. Involve in the community

16.7. Spend time with kids

17. Challenges

17.1. To get a bigger place

17.1.1. Financially

17.2. Change of job

17.3. Learn more about developmental disabilities