My decision to chose global studies as my major

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My decision to chose global studies as my major por Mind Map: My decision to chose global studies as my major

1. Texts

1.1. The heart-felt letters from the kids in Honduras

2. Events

2.1. My family's mission trip In Honduras

2.1.1. The letters come from the kids in the mission trip in Honduras.

3. Beings

3.1. My mom

3.2. My youth leader at church, Stephanie

3.3. The kids in Honduras

3.3.1. Since my family is originally from Honduras, they chose to base the organization in Honduras.

4. I had to pick a major before I even started college but I was indecisive about finance or global studies. My map shows that the mission trip I have attended since I was a young girl, was the reason why I chose to major in Global Studies. I was raised in a Honduran/Religious house hold, which led me to lean on God for understanding. I also saw the struggles of Hondurans growing up so I ha to make a difference. The kids wrote letters that made me shed a tear because they wrote about how much I have impacted their lives. The beings that helped me make my final decision were my mom, the kids in Honduras, and my youth leader.

5. Structures

5.1. being raised in a Honduran household

5.2. being raised in a religious family

5.2.1. Being raised in a religious house hold I looked for help from my youth leader at church in order to make my decision