Web Savvy tool kit

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Web Savvy tool kit por Mind Map: Web Savvy tool kit

1. Firefox extensions

1.1. firebug

1.1.1. edit, debug, monitor css, html, java

1.2. yslow

1.2.1. analyzes performance

1.3. webdeveloper

1.3.1. webdeveloper tools

1.4. capture fox

1.4.1. capture screen and record voice

1.5. tamper data

1.5.1. track and modify http/https requests

1.6. Session Manager

1.6.1. saves current states

1.7. X-ray

1.7.1. Tags on page

1.8. SQL Inject Me

1.8.1. test for SQL Injection vulnerabilities

1.9. fire shot

1.9.1. creates screenshots of web pages

2. misc.

2.1. ps pad

2.1.1. The universal freeware editor

2.2. timesnaper

2.2.1. screen grabber or video recorder

2.3. AutoVer

2.3.1. backup and version control

2.4. www.generatedata.com

2.4.1. create test data

2.5. win audit

2.5.1. pc audit and inventory

2.6. process monitor

2.6.1. realtime file system | registry | process thread activity

2.7. double killer

2.7.1. find duplicates

3. mind mapping

3.1. freemind

3.1.1. freemind.sourceforge.net

3.2. VUE

3.2.1. htp://vue.tufts.edu

3.3. mindmeister

3.3.1. http://www.mindmeister.com/help

4. portable applications

4.1. pstart

4.2. portableapps.com

4.3. http://portablefreeware.com

5. operating system

5.1. New node