Seven Factors of Technology Implementation & Discovery Education Network Supports

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Seven Factors of Technology Implementation & Discovery Education Network Supports por Mind Map: Seven Factors of Technology Implementation & Discovery Education Network Supports

1. 6. Project-Based Learning

1.1. Visual Field Trips

1.2. Viewing parties

1.3. Current events

1.4. Weekly recap of news around the world

2. 4. Individualized Feedback

2.1. Personalized instruction with immediate feedback

2.2. Future lessons tailored to meet individual needs

3. 5. Collaborative Environment

3.1. Ability to share and learn from peers

3.2. Customized puzzles for word lists, vocabulary and other study tools

3.3. Collaborative work on special projects

4. 7. Leadership, Support & Modeling

4.1. Community-driven events

4.2. Free family resources

4.3. Family activities contests for parent engagement

5. 1. Professional Development

5.1. FREE webinars

5.2. Professional learning in support of teachers

6. 2. Curriculum Standards

6.1. Techbook Digital Textbooks covering K-12 curriculum

6.2. FREE Techbook iPad app via the Apple iTunes store with iPad support

6.3. Information accessed anytime, anywhere once downloaded

7. 3. Daily Learning

7.1. Interactive maps, videos, photos and audio

7.2. Hundreds of primary sources

7.3. Streamlined on any device

7.4. 3,000 model lessons and assignments

7.5. Empowers students to build, design and share content