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Max por Mind Map: Max

1. effects

1.1. He is nice to freak and freak is happy hanging out with him.

1.2. He started crying because he made a friend

1.3. Going to the firework show

1.4. Max's dad effects him because everyone thinks of his dad when they see him

2. actions

2.1. Goes under his his bed.

2.2. Draged freak into his basement

2.3. he put freak on his shoulders

2.4. Went into the pond

3. Says

3.1. Ants in your pants.

3.2. Huh and then Freak chuckled

3.3. Freak is odd

3.4. But head

4. thoughts

4.1. He is not happy that he is so big.

4.2. Happy he has a friend

4.3. he think Fair Grew is pretty

4.4. Thought that Gwen was only inviting him

5. Looks

5.1. very Tall

5.2. Big

5.3. Simple

5.4. Though