LMS Learning Objects

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LMS Learning Objects por Mind Map: LMS Learning Objects

1. Curriculum

1.1. Includes classroom events, online courses, tests, materials, postings from the Knowledge Bank or Connect, and even administrator defined action steps or free form items

1.1.1. Events & Sessions Classroom or any face-to-face learning/sharing session

1.1.2. Materials Any uploaded file or a web URL, which learners mark as completed On the Job Training Observers are associated with the material, along with a checklist to be filled out to record completion attempt. Users are required to demonstrate skills to a designated observer to receive a mark. Observers can assess learners' skills and review previous attempts. On the Job Training is a type of material.

1.1.3. Videos Increase from 500MB to 800-1000MB External URL How to make sure users do not upload inappropriate videos/sites? Content Summary

1.1.4. Tests Question bank TO VERIFY Grading Function to enable Review Test

1.2. Blended programs

2. Certification

2.1. Certifications enable clients to create and manage internal and external certifications, which includes compliance, designations, licenses, permits, and accreditation.

2.2. The unique aspect of certifications, which is not accounted for in curricula, is that once the certification becomes valid based on a series of training items, renewal requirements may be necessary to maintain it - TO VERIFY

3. Library

3.1. A collection of online courses.

3.1.1. Online Courses Interactive content developed in Articulate RISE or Storyline, in SCORM format. Consists of Awareness + Content + Quiz

4. 2019 Onwards

4.1. Programs & Cohorts

4.1.1. Collaborative learning utilizes program and cohort learning objects (LOs). A cohort LO is a combination of a Connect community and a curriculum, where users can complete training within a curriculum structure and collaborate with other learners who are in the same cohort. A program LO is essentially a template for cohort LOs so that new cohort instances can be quickly created with a consistent structure.

4.2. Learning Playlists