Motivation and Emotion

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Motivation and Emotion por Mind Map: Motivation and Emotion

1. Approaches to Motivation

1.1. Instincts

1.2. Psychological Tensions

1.3. Arousal

1.4. Insentvies

2. Biological basis of Hunger

2.1. Hypothalamus

2.1.1. Ventromedial hypothalamus

2.2. Digestive system

2.3. glucose

3. Psychological Basis of Hunger

3.1. Stress

3.2. Cultural attitudes

3.3. Background

3.4. habits

4. Eating Disoder

4.1. Abnormal eating habits

4.2. Anorexia nervosa

4.3. bulimia nervosa

4.4. Depression

4.5. Substance abuse

4.6. family history of eating disorders

4.7. difficult relationship with family members and friends

4.8. being overly concerned with being slim

5. Theories of Emotion

5.1. James-Lange

5.2. William james

5.3. Carl Lange

5.4. Connon-Bard

5.5. Walter Connon

5.6. Philip Bard

5.7. Lazarus

5.8. Richard Lazarus

6. How to be happy?

6.1. Money really doesn't buy happiness

6.2. Take control of your time

6.3. Smile often

6.4. seek work and leisure activities

6.5. Get moving

6.6. Give your body the sleep it wants

6.7. Give priority to close relationships

6.8. Focus beyond the self

6.9. Keep a gratitude journal

6.10. Nurture your spiritual self