Alex Keedy

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Alex Keedy por Mind Map: Alex Keedy

1. Hobbies

1.1. Scuba diving

1.1.1. Loved scuba diving in a WWII wreck near Jamaica!

1.1.2. Hawaii is also another great place I love diving because the visibility is around 80 feet

1.2. Cooking

1.2.1. Love making pasta by hand or German pancakes!

1.3. Traveling

1.3.1. One of my favorite places I have been to is Colombia

1.3.2. I love anywhere warm! I've been to every country in Central America

1.3.3. Next on my list is: Morocco, Thailand, Maldives, and Ethiopia

1.4. Shopping

1.5. Dancing

1.5.1. Trying is the most important part, right?

2. Fun Facts

2.1. I lived in Jordan for a summer!

2.1.1. I spent the summer teaching English and studying Arabic

2.2. I am a HUGE Star Wars geek. I think I've seen each of the episodes at least 5 times each.

2.3. I'm oddly a morning person. I feel like I get so much done when I wake up at 6 am or earlier

2.3.1. One of my goals is to run in the morning. This does not always happen, but it is one of my favorite things to do!

2.4. If I had a million dollars I would probably spend it on rescuing dogs

2.4.1. I have three dogs currently. One is a rescue

2.5. One of my favorite books is the Looming Tower, which tells the backstory and ideology leading up to the attacks on 9/11. I highly recommend it!

3. School

3.1. Bachelor's-Political Science-University of Kentucky

3.1.1. Favorite classes were civil conflict and terrorism studies

3.2. Master's-Cybersecurity-University of Kentucky

3.2.1. Favorite classes were cybersecurity diplomacy and analytical methods

3.2.2. Served as school magazine marketing manager and social chair

3.3. MBA-Financial Business-Johns Hopkins University

3.3.1. I've really enjoyed corporate strategy !

4. Work

4.1. Booz Allen Hamilton

4.1.1. Cybersecurity intelligence analyst focusing on commercial clients

4.1.2. Network security, malware analysis, dark web research, advanced persistent threat tracking, adversary monitoring etc

4.2. Kentucky Office of Homeland Security

4.2.1. Analytical assessment and research into threats against the state of Kentucky in the areas of domestic terrorism and cybersecurity

4.2.2. Developed strategic and tactical memorandums for public awareness

4.3. Graduate Teaching Assistant

4.3.1. Instructed and graded 300 students in the classes of comparative politics and the history of Kentucky

4.3.2. Fielded questions, led breakout sessions, and encouraged discussion between students

4.4. Event Venue Manager

4.4.1. Booked entertainment including bands and DJs

4.4.2. Hired and trained employees, ordered inventory, maintained client relations

4.5. Translator-Freelance

4.5.1. Translated English and Spanish marketing materials for baseball teams, restaurants, and nightlife venues