US History Lessons Learned

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US History Lessons Learned por Mind Map: US History Lessons Learned

1. ***Migration*** What causes migration and how has it impacted America?

1.1. Great Migration /Harlem Renaissance

1.1.1. Immigrants like to live in the same area so there are people like them

1.2. WW2

1.2.1. Holocaust America did not know the extent of the holocaust and refused many Jews entrance to the country and Hitler was able to keep and kill

2. ***Leaders & Presidents*** What makes an effective or ineffective leader?

2.1. WW2

2.1.1. End of War Leaders like Hitler who are willing to fight until the end can be challenging to defeat

2.1.2. Pivotal battles A military leader who is aggressive can only be stopped aggressively (appeasement doesn't work) Having an "enemy" become an ally promotes competition and harder fighting but can lead to tension after war.

2.2. Bay of Pigs Invasion

2.2.1. Presidents need to be educated on things happening in politics/ the white house before they are put into office

2.3. LBJ

2.3.1. When a leader is associated their successor can use it to their advantage

2.4. Assassinations

2.4.1. Just because some one is dead doesn't mean their ideas and thoughts are

2.5. Vietnam War

2.5.1. Richard Nixon was president during the Vietnam War. He was desperate to end the war and thought Vietnamization would be the solution to ending the US's part it the war. He bombed North Vietnam in order to distract them and killed or injured many innocent people. His plan of Vietnamization was a failed mission but he told the public that it was a success. A lesson that the US can learn from Nixon's leadership during the war is to make sure a major war ending plan is thought out well and is a success and don't lie to the US's civilians that a failed mission is a success.

3. ***Government:*** What is the role and responsibility of the American government?

3.1. Prohibtion

3.1.1. Creating unpopular laws are hard to enforce

3.1.2. When the government tries to band illegal/ popular things it is not effective and is expensive.

3.2. WW2

3.2.1. Causes of WW2 Totalitarianism: When one leader has too much power, they can do whatever they want if they are not challenged.

3.2.2. Holocaust Since Hitler was in power and kept pushing limits with persecution and no one stopped him her was able to continue what he was doing and kill so many people.

3.2.3. Pearl Harbor When a country attacks us, we must fight back to show our power and assert ourselves.

3.2.4. Battle of Berlin When two major powers are fighting in the same war, the winner will look most powerful

3.3. The Great Depression

3.3.1. During hard times society will look to the Government for help. FDR vs Hoover

3.3.2. During hard times society's political opinions will turn more radical

3.4. LBJ's Great Society

3.4.1. When the government decreases taxes and creates large social programs debt will increase

4. ***Technology*** How does technology impact society?

4.1. Radio

4.1.1. When there are new technologies like the radio that can communicate around the nation brings us closer together as a nation.

4.2. WW2

4.2.1. End of War New powerful weapons can quickly end war when one side has them.

4.2.2. WW2 Warfare Due to all of the technological advancements prior to wwi it chances the way the war was fought and we were not ready for it

4.3. Early Years of Cold War

4.3.1. Nuclear Race/ H- bomb

4.4. TV

4.4.1. Seeing canidates appearence changes the outcomes of elections

4.5. Interstate Highway System

4.6. Vietnam War

4.6.1. Vietnamization & Rolling Thunder Nixon thought the solution of the war would be vietnamization. It is the process of replacing American troops with S. vietnamese troops. In order to make this a success, Nixon ordered a large scale bombing raids to occupy the North while the slow process of pulling troops out. Nixon felt if he attacked communist bases in Cambodia he would help the South Vietnamese. This tactic failed miserably as Americans saw this as increasing the war effort. The lesson that the US learned was a military can't stop fighting in the middle of the war, and have other troops fill in their spots. They need to be strong enough to fight until the end and come out with a victory or a failure.

4.6.2. Booby Traps and Preparation of the US military North Vietnam knew that the US's soldiers were very young and immature. Most of the soldiers were under 21 and didn't want to be fighting in the war. North Vietnam used booby traps against the US and it was a success. They took down many soldiers with these traps and the US soldiers were not taught how to detect them. A lesson that the US could learn from the booby traps and immature soldiers was to make sure the solders that are fighting want to fight and are willing to fight. Don't make them too young because they need to be able to learn from people that have experience fighting.

5. ***Foreign Relations*** How have foreign entanglements influence America?

5.1. World War I

5.1.1. When the U.S. involved in world affairs to a large extent it is hard to stay neutral if a major conflict breaks out

5.1.2. Forming allies can draw the country into a broader conflict.

5.1.3. Because we were already so involved in foreign relations before the war, it was hard to stay neutral when new conflicts arose.

5.1.4. After a war, an effective treaty should be created to keep the peace and avoid future conflict.

5.1.5. Creating a group like the League of Nations is not a good idea if you suggest it and do not join it. This suggests that the group holds no power and is not effective if you do not join it yourself.

5.2. Isolationism

5.2.1. When the US cuts off relations with other countries it hurts the relationship

5.3. WW2

5.3.1. Causes of WW2 Treaty of Versailles: When there are attempts at blaming one country, conflict will result

5.3.2. M.A.G.N.E.T.T. When all of these causes are present (Militarism, allies, great depression, expansionism, treaty of Versailles, and totalitarianism) it is likely to cause conflict

5.4. Early Years of Cold War

5.4.1. Potsdam Conference When an alliance is formed with another county, information that is kept secret will result in conflict.

5.5. Vietnam War

5.5.1. When Vietnam began to rebel against the French the US joined in to assure the containment of communism. France and the US were allies. When France granted independence to Indochina Vietnam split into North and South. The North was lead by Chi Minh's forces (communist) and was supported by the Soviet Union. The US supported the South and along with 7 other countries they formed SEATO which had the goal of containing communism in Southeast Asia. The US was now apart of the war between North and South Vietnam A lesson that the US learned from joining the Vietnam War is don't join in on other countries problems and create alliances that could fall apart.

6. ***Economics:*** How has economics impacted America & Americans?

6.1. 1920's Working Class

6.1.1. Able to work and still have time to have fun

6.1.2. Credit is not real money and you need to pay it back

6.1.3. Credit isn't actual money and you need to pay it back

6.2. Great Depression

6.2.1. When the New Deal was created to fix the economic problems, it cost a lot of money and government debt increased

6.2.2. Causes of the Great Depression Stock Market Crashed People were investing in unreliable stocks and when the stock market crashed everyone lost all of their money and went into debt. This caused the country to go into poverty Dust Bowl People lost the little they had from the lack of rain and all of the crops died

7. ***Civil Rights:*** To what extent have the oppressed in America been able to attain an equality of life?

7.1. African Americans WWI/1920s

7.1.1. During times of war we see civil rights improve

7.2. 19th Amendment/ Women's Rights

7.2.1. women broke out of their shells, people wanted to gain equality, people didn't want to stick to stereotypes

7.3. African Americans WWI/ 1920's

7.3.1. During times of war Civil Rights always improve

7.4. WW2

7.4.1. America on the Home front Disenfranchised groups are needed and want to continue being needed in times when there is a connecting issue

7.5. Civil Rights

7.5.1. movement When a radical idea is introduced to a group of individuals that have been the same for many years, they will be reluctant to change

7.5.2. protests non violent protests can bring attention to events and make impacts with out hurting anyone physically

7.5.3. Black Panther If a movement is not making huge gains it will evolve into more aggressive tactics. Movements that go up quickly can go down just as quickly

8. ***Media*** To what extent does the media influence people? To what extent does the media mirror or reflect society?

8.1. WW2

8.1.1. America on the Home front The media, when necessary, can be manipulated to serve the greater good by influencing people and to aid in more efforts

8.2. Emmett Till

8.2.1. Emmett Till's open casket put in a perspective of the ways blacks were treated

8.3. Vietnam War

8.3.1. TV During the Vietnam war TV had just been invented. Due to this the war was able to be filmed for the people back at home to see. American citizens often felt uncomfortable knowing who had been killed. They were also able to see the conditions that their loved ones were living in which uneased them. This is a lesson for the US because it is not necessary to televise a war for people to see. It was easy to mix up the reality with a movie.