US History II Lessons Learned

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US History II Lessons Learned por Mind Map: US History II Lessons Learned

1. ***Foreign Relations*** How have foreign entanglements influence America?

1.1. World War 1

1.1.1. When the US is involved in world affairs to a large extent, it is hard to be natural if a major conflict breaks out

1.1.2. Forming allies can draw the country into a broader conflict

1.2. Isolationism

1.2.1. When the US cuts off relations it can cause problems at the borders

1.3. Causes of WW2

1.3.1. Treaty versallies. when there are unfair treaties that put blame other countries, this can cause tension

1.4. Great Depression

1.4.1. during bad times governemts/countries may bo able to focus on international affairs/conflicts

1.5. Early years of cold war

1.5.1. Potsdam conference. when an alliance is formed with another country, information that is kept scene will result in conflict

1.6. Vietnam War- Gulf of Tonkin

1.6.1. The Vietnam war officially started because of false pretenses. The U.S.S Maddox was attacked of august 2nd and the U.S. did nothing about it. Two days later, the U.S.S Maddox reported another attack but this was not true. The U.S. did decide to do something about it and that's when the war officially started. - When the U.S. army is too quick to act on a situation, there is not enough time to investigate and make the right/safe decision.

1.7. Vietnam War

1.7.1. the US Used a tactic called rolling thunder, this was basically bombing North Vietnam over and over again

2. ***Leaders & Presidents*** What makes an effective or ineffective leader?

2.1. FDR vs. Hoover

2.1.1. The american people like the idea of the government helping and being involved more when there is a crisis (FDR)

2.2. Causes of WW2

2.2.1. Totalitarianism. When one person is in total control it can become dangerous and they can have too much power

2.3. WW2 Pivotal battles

2.3.1. A military leader who is aggressive can only be stopped aggressively (appeasement doesn't work)

2.3.2. Having an "enemy" become and ally promotes competition and harder fighting but can lead to tension after war

2.4. WW2 end of war

2.4.1. leaders like hitler who are willing to fight until the end can be challenging to defeat.

2.5. Great Depression

2.5.1. During bad times people will start to favor more democratic or socialist forms of government

2.6. JFK Assasination

2.6.1. when a leader is disrespected and hated by a town and is advised not to go there, but goes there anyway, bad things can happen

2.7. JFK Cuban missle crisis

2.7.1. when a president is faced with a tough decision the should try to remain calm and fully think it through. Need to compromise

2.8. Bay of Pigs Invasion

2.8.1. presidents need to be educated on things happening in politics/the white house before they are put into the office

2.9. assasination

2.9.1. just because you kill a person doesn't mean their ideas and movement will too.

2.10. LBJ

2.10.1. when a leader is assassinated their successor can use it to their advantage

2.11. Vietnam War- Nixon

2.11.1. Nixon's plan to end the war was called Vietnamization. this was to Bomb North Vietnam and distract them while U.S. troops pulled out of South Vietnam. leaving the south Vietnamese soldiers to take over. this failed miserable because the soldiers weren't strong enough. - when a leaders plan to end war is to leave an unstable and outnumbered army on its own in hopes of winning, the outcomes can't possibly be good.

3. ***Government:*** What is the role and responsibility of the American government?

3.1. prohibition

3.1.1. creating unpopular laws are hard to enforce

3.1.2. when the government tries to ban popular things its very hard and very costly, not much of and effect

3.2. New deal

3.2.1. When the government needs to bring back the american economy, they can put in many government run programs that cost the government a lot but help the country

3.3. Causes of WW2

3.3.1. Governments with totalitarian tendencies can be seen making more radical decisions

3.4. WW2 Holocaust

3.4.1. since hitler was in power and kept pushing limits without persecution and no one stopped him, he was able to continue what he was doing and kill many people

3.5. Great Depression

3.5.1. During bad times peoples political views will turn more radical

3.6. Great society

3.6.1. when the gov decreases taxes and creates large social programs, dept will increase

3.7. Vietnam war

3.7.1. the government during the Vietnam war claimed that it was started because of the attacks and that that war the final straw. later, claimed and evidence come out that the government was planning/thinking about going to war even before the attacks. this made the american people angry with the government because they lied to them about multiple things. leaving the american peoples trust in the government lower than it had been before. - when a government lies to the public, and then the public finds the truth, they can expect backlash and non-supportive citizens.

4. ***Technology*** How does technology impact society?

4.1. communication

4.1.1. when you have new tech like the radio that can connect the nation

4.1.2. travel. the upgrade in the amount of cars

4.2. WW1 Warfare

4.3. End of WW2

4.3.1. New wepons can quickly end war when one side has them

4.4. Early years of cold war

4.4.1. nuclear race/ H-bombs. when there is a competition to have more advanced military, there is more drive for a possible attack/bombing

4.5. TV

4.5.1. seeing candidate appearance changes the outcomes of elections

4.6. Interstate highway system

4.6.1. progression transportation technology will benefit society

5. ***Civil Rights:*** To what extent have the oppressed in America been able to attain an equality of life?

5.1. African Americans WW1/ 1920s

5.1.1. during times of war we always see minority rights improving

5.2. womans progression in the 1920s

5.2.1. women started living an independent life and began changing social norms

5.3. WW2 america on the homefront

5.3.1. disenfranchised roups are needed and want to continue being needed in times when there is a connecting issue

5.4. Colored Civil rights

5.4.1. when civil rights of a group of people are not allowed, the group will get angry and rebell

5.5. Civil rights movement

5.5.1. when a movement challenges the norm people will be reluctant to change

5.6. Civil rights protests

5.6.1. nonviolent protests can bring attention to events and make impacts without hurting anyone physically

5.7. Black Panthers

5.7.1. is a movement is not making huge gains, it will evolve in to more aggressive tactics

5.7.2. Movements that build just as quickly, can fall even faster. especially facing forces you cant beat

5.8. Vietnam War

5.8.1. Most Young men that were able, were drafted to be i the army during the war. what was unfair was that if they had money they could go to college and escape the war. many young men either tried to leave the US, get doctors notes, or go to college. - when people who are drafted that don't want to go to war or don't support the war, will try to avoid it at all costs.

6. ***Economics:*** How has economics impacted America & Americans?

6.1. 1920s Working Class

6.1.1. when Americans buy most things with credit it can hurt them when they need to use their own money (1930s)

6.2. WW2 America on the homefront

6.2.1. the media, when necessary, can be manipulated to serve the greater good by influencing people to aid in war efforts

6.2.2. when the working class got payed more and worked less it left more time for leisure

6.3. Causes of Great Deppresion

6.3.1. When the New deal was crated to fix the economic problems, it cost a lot of money and the government debt icrease

6.3.2. When Banks and brokers give out loans for people to put in the stock markets, it leaves a big rick for losing money

6.4. Great Depression

6.4.1. banks play a large role in a nations economy; if the banks fail, the national economy will follow

6.4.2. if the supply is much grater than demand, the value of it will fall

7. ***Migration*** What causes migration and how has it impacted America?

7.1. Great Migration/Modern Rennasance

7.1.1. immigrants like to live in areas with the same culture around them this

7.1.2. brings more cultural diversity

7.2. WW2 Holocaust

7.2.1. america didn't know the extent of the holocaust and refused many Jews entrance to the country and hitler was able to keep and kill them

8. ***Media*** To what extent does the media influence people? To what extent does the media mirror or reflect society?

8.1. Emmett Till

8.1.1. Emmett tills open casket put in a perspective of the ways blacks were treated

8.2. Malcolm X/ MLK

8.2.1. public awareness of issues and spread of CRM

8.3. Vietnam War

8.3.1. The US used television to make national announcements. Nixon had used this to make the US believe that the pull out of Vietnam was successful. he tricked the US into believing the wrong thing. they also used this to show incorrectly portray the war. this was the first war that had actual cameras following troop to show what was happening - the US tried to cover up the loss in Vietnam but when the public found out the truth, this lead more people to distrust the government.