Integrating FNMI Content in the Classroom

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Integrating FNMI Content in the Classroom por Mind Map: Integrating FNMI Content in the Classroom

1. In Art

2. In Physical Education/Health

3. In Language Arts

4. In Social Studies

5. For Background Information

6. using technology

7. teachers can use

8. "Omniglot: Writing Languages of the World"

9. "Writing on Stone" from Parks Canada

10. students could

11. Read "The Kainai Nation - Historical Overview" from the AB Online Encyclopedia and create a timeline of events

12. students could

13. Select a photo from "" and write a news article based on the photo

14. Pick a legend from a local tribe found on "" and use story, plot, and character themes identified to write their own legend

15. watch a video about the oral telling of a legend, then write their own legend and present it orally using a talking stick

16. students could

17. research traditional diet of a local tribe, then electronically create a menu based on the diet

18. students could

19. research FNMI art then create their own piece of art embodying the same style

20. Use "Omniglot: Writing Languages of the World" to write their name in the language of a local tribe