How do the Learning Activities interact and influence each other?

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How do the Learning Activities interact and influence each other? por Mind Map: How do the Learning Activities interact and influence each other?

1. Red time

1.1. attending scheduled class

1.2. being active and present

1.3. being prepared

1.4. bringing input

1.5. actively discussing

1.6. listening carefully

1.7. respecting all group members

1.8. bringing resources to class

1.9. presentation on time

2. Project week / exam

3. Blue time

3.1. reading

3.2. watching videos

3.3. efficient time management

3.4. organizing resources

3.4.1. buying books

3.4.2. access to IT equipment

3.5. putting effort in it/motivation

4. Yellow time

4.1. bringing knowledge to be able to complete the task

4.2. working efficiently in the group

4.3. effective communication & coordination

4.4. completing tasks on time