Prehistoric Serbia

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Prehistoric Serbia por Mind Map: Prehistoric Serbia

1. Metal Age: Metal Age in Serbia is separated into two eras Bronze Age and Iron Age.

1.1. Bronze Age: This is the first era in Metal Age.

1.1.1. General: This era started in 2500 B.C. to 750 B.C. along with other countries in Europe too. In this era people already know on how to mine copper and tin and make an alloy of them and cast them, and it took 950 °C to cast it and this is how bronze tools are made. Archaeologist could say that people in that era could already manipulate fire to cast and smelt.

1.1.2. Tools: As from the name Bronze Age, people make there tools mostly using bronze, it better and more efficient that stone. The same about the stone age, they still uses bones for the handle. They could already make their shelter using wood and straw. They also use bronze to farm

1.2. Iron Age: This is the last era in Metal Age

1.2.1. General: This era started in 750 B.C. to 600 B.C. They started using a very high temperature to smelt iron, which is 1,538 °C. This era has the most efficient tools in prehistoric period.

1.2.2. Tools: They use Iron as a majority of tools, they make spears to hunt with a stick and an iron end, they already could sharpen an iron. They make an iron sickle. This time they already use wood as a handle, people are smarter, but they still don't know about writing yet. Which is funny, they know Iron before writing.

2. Definition: Prehistoric time is when people don't write. Most people paint at stone, cave wall or wood to communicate.

3. Stone Age: Stone age in Serbia is separated into three eras, Paleolithic, Mesolithic, and Neolithic.

3.1. Paleolithic (Old Stone Age): This is the first era in the stone age period.

3.1.1. General: this era start at 1.4 million years ago and end it 6600 B.C. in this time mammoths was still walking in this earth, or in other words mammoths hasn't extinct. In this era people just found out how to use fire. the tools are not that efficient but enough to support life.

3.1.2. Tools: In this era they only make tools to hunt. To gather food, because they didn't know how to farm yet, they use bare hands to grab the fruit or vegetables. The tools they made has no handle it just a stone they search for a stone that has a sharp end.

3.2. Mesolithic (Middle Stone Age): This is the second era in the stone age period.

3.2.1. General: This era is from 6600 B.C until 5700 B.C. it last for about 800 years. In this era the tools are better than in paleolithic era but worst than neolithic era. They live in Vinča. In mesolithic era they still use cave as a shelter.

3.2.2. Tools: In this era they only make tools to hunt. To gather food, because they didn't know how to farm yet, they use bare hands to grab the fruit or vegetables. They migrate to different areas if the food supply in that certain area run out. They use animal bones to be a handle of a weapon and a stone that is sharpen for the blade.

3.3. Neolithic (Late Stone Age): This the last era in the stone age period.

3.3.1. Tools: Vinča civilization has the most advanced tools in all of the stone age around the world, they have the sharpest, the lightest and the most efficient tools from the stone age. Mostly they make tools to farm from bones, to hunt from stone, and statue, plate, and even teapot from clay.

3.3.2. General: This era is from 5700–2500 B.C.. In the neolithic era, Serbian live in Vinča, most of them live in the riverbank. Archaeologist said that the Vinča civilization is the most advanced from neolithic eras around the world. They made there own shelter using large stone.