Sales Prospecting

Track your sales prospects right from the first qualification call

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Sales Prospecting por Mind Map: Sales Prospecting

1. Participants

1.1. Sales Rep

1.1.1. E-Mail

1.1.2. Phone

1.2. Prospect Contact

1.2.1. Function / Job Title

1.2.2. E-Mail

1.2.3. Phone

1.3. Phone conference 20/07/2018

1.3.1. 10:00

2. Other questions to ask

2.1. Infrastructure

2.1.1. Windows

2.1.2. Mac

2.1.3. Mobile Devices

2.1.4. Other tools in use

3. About company

3.1. Products

3.2. Company Size

3.2.1. Empolyees

3.2.2. Revenue

3.3. Office Locations

4. Value proposition

4.1. References

4.2. Product Benefits

4.3. Price

5. Nature of inquiry

5.1. How did you find us?

5.2. What problems are you trying to solve with our solution?

5.3. What business benefits are you expecting from our solution?

5.4. What is your position in the purchasing process?

5.4.1. for example "I'm the decision maker" "I give recommendations for the decision" "I want to initiate a purchasing process"

6. Purchasing status

6.1. For example

6.1.1. "Determining need and requirements"

6.1.2. "Actively evaluating vendors for purchase" competitor 1 competitor 2 competitor 3

6.1.3. "Not curently evaluating vendors"

6.2. What is the time horizon for your decision?

6.3. Who has the final decision for this purchase?

6.4. Is there a budget for this purchase?

7. Next steps

7.1. Send proposal

7.2. Agree on follow-up meeting