Differentiated Instruction

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Differentiated Instruction por Mind Map: Differentiated Instruction

1. Presentation- How it is taught

1.1. teacher centered

1.1.1. small group instruction group by varying abilities - cooperative grouping

1.1.2. direct instruction

1.1.3. Demonstration

1.1.4. lecture

1.2. student centered

1.2.1. experiments

1.2.2. small group

2. 3 P's of differentiation

3. Process - How its done

3.1. traditional paper and pencil

3.2. cooperative groups

3.3. stations

3.4. compacting

3.5. independent contracts

3.6. choice opportunities

4. Product - demonstrate knowledge

4.1. traditional assessments

4.2. written reports and paper

4.2.1. used for those who enjoy writing

4.3. art - video projects

4.3.1. given to those that enjoy drama

4.4. oral reports and presentation

4.4.1. for students that enjoy getting up and talking in front of a crowd

4.5. computer programs

4.5.1. power point presentations

4.5.2. prezi

4.5.3. mindmap

4.6. skits songs and dances

4.6.1. great for the theatrical student

5. managing differentiation

5.1. what to teach: content, CCSS, outcome

5.2. pre-assess

5.2.1. find out what the student already knows - don't reteach move on

5.3. create groupings

5.3.1. ability and cooperative

5.4. preparation

5.4.1. be prepared materials directions noise level student movement room arrangement teacher assistance monitoring students

5.5. expectations

5.5.1. classroom management set behavior norms train the students to use the class expectations build in accountability for both groups and individuals assess and reflect