TSM - Explicitly teaching thinking skills

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TSM - Explicitly teaching thinking skills por Mind Map: TSM - Explicitly teaching thinking skills

1. Teacher capabilities PYP teachers are able to ... build/develop conceptual understanding within and across subjects - integrate transdisciplinary and disciplinary concepts, knowledge, and skills in a way that supports a coherent learning experience for students

2. Teacher capabilities PYP teachers are able to ... undertake personal inquiry, reflection and action to inform their practice - reflect on and apply their own inquiry experience to the design of inquiry-based learning and teaching in the classroom

3. • To know a range of practical strategies and techniques for explicitly teaching thinking skills

4. • To be able to embed the approaches to learning across the curriculum

5. PYP - Informed by constructivist and social-constructivist learning theories, the emphasis on collaborative inquiry and integrative learning honours the curiosity, voice, and contribution of the students, for whom the curriculum is intended. The approaches to learning and approaches to teaching articulated in What is an IB education? play a crucial role in the inquiries...

6. Teacher capabilities PYP teachers are able to ... foster supportive environments that remove barriers to learning - select teaching approaches, resources, technologies, learning and assessment activities that are inclusive and effective for diverse students

7. • To develop your understanding of the ways in which schools can foster a culture of thinking through classroom practices