Australasia IP/Commercial/Legal - BIM

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Australasia IP/Commercial/Legal - BIM por Mind Map: Australasia IP/Commercial/Legal  - BIM

1. Intellectual Property

1.1. Background (Smarts/Scripts)

1.1.1. Fishing in contracts?

1.1.2. Whats the wording on Changi?

1.2. Foreground (Models)

1.2.1. CPIx doc from UK BIM level 2?

1.3. Model Ownership

2. Level Of Development

2.1. Guidance

2.2. Model uses effect appropriate LoD

2.2.1. Costing?

2.2.2. Just clash detection?

2.2.3. Construction sequencing?

2.2.4. Asset management?

2.2.5. Facility management?

3. Bids

3.1. Clauses

3.2. Accompanying docs

3.2.1. Arup Interpretation LOD Guidance

3.2.2. Arup Regional BEP

3.2.3. Model element matrix

3.3. Educate PM's on (What to look for?)

3.4. BIM Advisor for BIDS?

4. Cloud Storage

4.1. BIM 360

4.1.1. Hosting

4.1.2. Ownership

4.1.3. Data residency

4.1.4. SAL Agreements with Autodesk

4.1.5. Autodesk NDA

4.2. Other software

4.2.1. Data residency

5. Build-ability

5.1. 4D / Logistics advice?

6. BIM Execution plan

6.1. Arup AUS Regional BEP

6.1.1. Arup Commercial and Legal review

6.2. External BEP

6.2.1. Watch its?

6.2.2. BIM Advisory to preview?

7. Arup Global

7.1. Project Automation

7.1.1. Fiona Cousins

7.1.2. Legal Guidance - Started?

7.1.3. IP?