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supply chain por Mind Map: supply chain

1. logistics

1.1. Transportation

1.2. packaging

1.3. information process

1.4. facility location

1.5. storage and materials handling

1.6. other activities

2. inventory management

2.1. High

2.2. averege

2.3. Low

2.4. demand forcasting

3. Trends in supply chain

3.1. measuring supply chain

3.2. Greening the supply chain

3.3. revaluating outsourcing

4. strategic responsibilities

4.1. supply chain strategy alignment

4.2. network configuration

4.3. information technology

4.4. products and sevices

5. supplier relationship management

5.1. segment the supply base

5.2. measure and improve supplier performance

5.3. become a better customer

5.4. collaborate with suppliers

5.5. improve supplier quality

6. procurement

6.1. procurement process

6.2. roles and reponsibilities

6.3. timing

6.4. approval process

6.5. vendor process

7. the purchasing cycle

7.1. receiving and analysing purchaing requisition

7.2. selecting suppliers

7.3. requesting quotations

7.4. determining the right price

7.5. issuing a purchasing order

7.6. following up and delivery

7.7. accepting goods

7.8. approving supplier invoice for payment

8. supplier partnership

8.1. forcasts

8.2. sales data

8.3. trust

8.4. loading risks

8.5. icrease deliver speed