Describing DfMA

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DfMA por Mind Map: DfMA

1. Benefits

1.1. Reduced costs

1.2. Improved Site Safety

1.3. Higher Quality

1.4. Reduced Schedule

1.5. Reduced Labour

1.6. Improved Environmental Performance

1.7. Improved Waste Management

1.8. Higher Productivity

1.9. Easy Reuse

2. Applications

2.1. Automotive

2.2. Goods and Packaging

2.3. Construction

2.4. Defense

2.5. Product Design

2.6. Aerospace

3. Use of BIM

3.1. Efficiency

3.2. Speed

3.3. Easy to prototype

3.4. Conflict Detection

3.5. Quicker Presentation

4. Offsite DfMA levels

4.1. Sub-assembly

4.2. Component Manufacture

4.3. Volumetric Pre-assembly

4.4. Modular Buildings

5. Future

5.1. Advanced Robotics

5.2. 3D Printing

5.3. Offsite Manufacturing

5.4. Wireless Technology

5.5. Internet of things

5.6. User feedback loops

5.7. Advanced Materials